Creating one of a kind pieces of art on a variety of surfaces; Amy and her husband Matt gather natural objects such as stone and wood from anywhere, especially Alaska’s boreal forests, its rivers, and its vast coastal areas. Finding most of the objects used in her artwork at estate and garage sales around Alaska, they seek out a limited number of “rust relics” from annual winter trips down south. Regardless of where each object is found, this ritual of “family style junkin’” is a continual adventure of traveling to new places, connecting with people and objects, listening to stories and making art intent on preserving their story and our own.
Through the color patterns and beaded geometric designs, Amy endeavors to create a visual harmony between the finished artwork and each found object. "A common thread in all my artwork is a close investigation of the natural world," says Amy. "I strive to convey both the simple beauty and the delicacy found in the repeating patterns present in nature."
Gifted with a wicked sense of style and a passion for history, Matt seeks out vintage and antique relics to pair with unusual salvaged and weathered woods, crafting custom frames for Amy’s finished painted pieces.
beach combing