Switch Witch has been a long time in the making.
I’ve wandered the aisles of public libraries since 2001, jumping into a self propelled study of all things “woo,” “witchy,” and “weird.” Ever curious about spirituality, quantum physics, plant medicine, botanicals, crystals, sacred geometry, essential oils, and the power of energy and intention; I no longer think “woo” is “weird,” or anything to be hidden away.
I made my first solar infused flower essence back in 2014 from dogwood flowers my daughter and I picked on one of our daily walks. Craving creative expression as a sleep deprived new mom, I was short on time to paint in my studio, so I turned to the magic of making with flowers.
I began making custom bath soaks for family and friends in early 2021. Feeling lit up and encouraged by their enthusiasm and requests for more, I decided to pour my energy into being able to offer these small batch blends to others.